
Official rules

1. Eligibility.

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Only legal U.S. residents at least 18 years of age who reside in and who are physically located in the United States (excluding its territories and possessions) between 12:01 a.m. PST February 1, 2019 and 11:59 p.m. PST on February 28, 2019 are eligible to enter John Paul Mitchell Systems “WHAT’S THE BIG IDEA” (the "Contest"). The contest is open to all Staff Members and Future Professionals at a Paul Mitchell School, including all Corporate and Partner Schools in continuous operation during the contest entry period.

Contestants’ ages 18-21 may be required to have their parent or guardian's permission to enter as described below. Employees, agents or officers of John Paul Mitchell Systems (“JPMS”) or any entity involved in the development, production, implementation and distribution of the Contest, including any advertising or promotion agency, suppliers of prizes for the Contest, parent company, service provider, subsidiary or affiliate of any such entity or any other entity directly associated with the Contest (hereinafter the "Contest Entities") or any members of the immediate family of and/or person living in the same household as such persons, are ineligible to enter the Contest.

2. Entries.

(a) To enter the Contest you must submit a video of your BIG IDEA that is 2 minutes or less in length and includes the following:

  1. a description of why your product concept is innovative and superior including why you should win;
  2. an explanation of your product idea and how it works; a description of how you apply your product, and how and why your product benefits the end user or consumer.

(b) Complete the contest entry form available at wtbicontest.com or by mail from JPMS 1888 Century Park East, Suite 1600, Los Angeles, CA 90067.

(c) The submission of an entry will affirm your acceptance of the contest rules, our terms of use and privacy.

3. Entry Guidelines:

(a) All entries must be received by 11:59 p.m. PST, February 28, 2019. Only one Entry per Staff Member and Future Professional from any corporate or partner school concerning the same product will be eligible. If multiple entries are received by the same entrant, any similar products entries submitted by that entrant shall be disqualified. JPMS shall in its sole discretion determine whether an entry is similar and its decision to disqualify the entry is final. Multiple entries concerning other substantially different products will be accepted. Any entry that is similar to in form or in substance to a product currently under development by JPMS will also be disqualified. Product entries must not be the same or substantially similar to an existing JPMS product, tool or system. Please see JPMS’s website for all product information paulmitchell.com.

(b) All entries must be in English. However they may include one or more familiar foreign words that have obtained general acceptance and are commonly understood in the U.S. In addition all entries must be suitable for family audiences. By entering, entrants agree to be bound by the decisions of the judges and these Official Rules and to comply with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations. JPMS, and those working for or on behalf of JPMS, will not be responsible for lost, late, misdirected, damaged, or postage due mail or e-mail, or for Internet, computer hardware and software, phone, and other technical errors, malfunctions, and delay. Entries which are mutilated, incomplete, illegible, inaccurate, forged, irregular in any way, or otherwise not in compliance with these Official Rules are also void. Entries will be void if JPMS deems it to be patently offensive or with profanity, violence or nudity, or which, in the judgment of its attorneys, might subject JPMS or its licensees to unfavorable regulatory action, violate any law, infringe the rights of any Person, or subject JPMS or its Licensees to liability for any reason. JPMS reserves the right to monitor or screen Entries at its sole discretion prior to providing them to the panel of judges. JPMS is under no obligation to use or post any Entry you submit.

(c) Entry Form is hereinafter referred to as an "Entry.” Each submission must be wholly original and created entirely by you and must not incorporate or include anything that is owned by any third party or would require the consent of any third party and your submission must not violate any law or the copyright, trademark, publicity right, privacy right or any other right of any third party. In the event of an identity dispute, Entry will be considered made by the registered owner of the name, address and cell phone number used for the entry. “Registered owner” is defined, in the case of online entry, as the natural person who submitted the entry via the on-line contest entry form. All entries become the sole property of JPMS and will not be acknowledged or returned.

(d) NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. A purchase will not increase your chance of winning.

4. Our Right to Use Your Work and Information About You.

(a) Entries and other submitted material become the property of JPMS and will not be acknowledged or returned. By submitting an Entry: (i) you represent and warrant that your Entry is wholly original and does not incorporate or include anything that is owned by any third party or would require the consent of any third party and your Entry does not violate any copyright, trademark, publicity right, privacy right or any other right of any third party; (ii) you agree that should your Entry be selected and receive the prizes herein after set forth, the work shall be considered under the U.S. Copyright law to be a “work made for hire,” with all rights therein, including, without limitation, the exclusive copyright, being the property of JPMS; and (iii) in the event your Entry is considered not to be a ““work made for hire,” you irrevocably assign to JPMS all right, title, and interest in your Entry (including, without limitation, the copyright) in any and all media whether now known or hereafter devised, in perpetuity, anywhere in the world, with the right to make any and all uses thereof, including, without limitation, for purposes of advertising or trade.

(b) By submitting an Entry, you grant to JPMS and its affiliated companies the right, except where prohibited by law, to use your name, likeness, picture, address (city and state), e-mail address, voice, biographical information, submission/Entry and written or oral statements, for advertising and promotional purposes in promoting or publicizing JPMS and its products or services, without compensation unless required by law. You shall have no right of approval, no claim to compensation, and no claim (including, without limitation, claims based on invasion of privacy, defamation, or right of publicity) arising out of any use, blurring, alteration, or use in composite form of your name, picture, likeness, address (city and state), e-mail address, biographical information, or entry. The rights granted under this paragraph shall extend to JPMS and its affiliated companies with respect to all entrants in the Contest, including those entrants who are selected as Winners and those entrants who are not selected as Winners. JPMS is under no obligation to use the winning Entries for any purpose.

(c) The information that you provide in connection with the Contest may be used for JPMS’s internal purposes and to send you JPMS’s newsletters and other information about JPMS and its affiliates, but will not be provided to third parties without your consent, except as necessary for the administration of the Contest or as required by law or legal process. If you would like your name removed from JPMS’s mailing lists or if you do not wish to receive JPMS’s newsletters, write to JPMS’s What’s The Big Idea Contest, John Paul Mitchell Systems 1888 Century Park East, Suite 1600, Los Angeles, CA 90067.

5. Selection of Winner(s) / Prize(s)and Contest Judging.

(a) All entries will be judged on the basis of the four criteria below by a panel of judges selected by JPMS, in its sole discretion; whose decisions are final and binding in all matters relating to the Contest Entries.

  1. Originality
  2. Potential impact on the market
  3. Practicality
  4. Measurability

Please remember that any product or service currently under development by JPMS is grounds for disqualification.

Helpful suggestions are set forth on the Contest Info posted for your convenience at wtbicontest.com.

Subject to receipt of a sufficient number of Qualified Entries, the 3 contestants whose Entries receive the highest cumulative scores for all criteria awarded by the judges across all criteria will be deemed the Finalists and will advance to the Contest Voting Period with John Paul DeJoria as the sole Judge. In case of a tie for Finalist position, tied entries will be broken by cumulative points awarded for “Originality.” Finalists will be announced on or about March 30, 2019.

(b) Prize Details:

  1. One Grand Prize Winner will win $5,000 and the chance for their BIG IDEA to be the next big thing from JPMS. The Grand Prize winner will receive Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) in the form of a check or wire transfer payable to the Winner within 6-8 weeks of the verification of the Grand Prize Winner. The Grand Prize Winner will be selected from the 3 Finalists.
  2. The three (3) finalists will win a trip to Los Angeles, CA to present their BIG IDEA to John Paul DeJoria in person. The trip includes airfare from the finalist’s nearest airport hub to LAX, 2 nights lodging, ground transportation and $100.00 American Express Gift Card to pay for miscellaneous expenses. The Trip value will vary depending on the cost of air transportation but will average approximately $1,000.00 per person. Only the entrant selected is eligible for the trip and the prize is not transferable.
  3. 10 runners-up, will win a Neuro Guide 1.25” Styling Iron, a Neuro Curl XL 1.75” Spring Curling Iron and a Neuro Smooth XL valued at $450.00. The prize is not subject to substitution or redeemable for cash by Winner.

Your chance of winning depends on the number of eligible Entries received. The decision of the judge shall be final and binding in all regards. The Winners will be notified by telephone, mail, overnight courier and/or email, and will be required to sign and return an Affidavit of Eligibility and Publicity/Liability Release and Copyright Ownership Agreement, within five (5) days of notification. The Affidavit of Eligibility must be complete and must include each Winner’s social security or resident alien identification number. The information in each Winner’s Affidavit of Eligibility must be correct and must be identical to the information provided in Winner's Entry or the Winner will be disqualified. If a Winner cannot be contacted, is ineligible, fails to claim a prize, or fails to return the completed and executed documents required above, if a prize is returned as undeliverable or if a Winner fails to comply with any of the provisions of these rules, such Winner's prize will be forfeited. If a prize is unclaimed or forfeited an alternate winner will be selected in JPMS’s sole discretion.

Winners are solely responsible for all taxes, fees both state, federal and local, charges, if any. Please allow at least 6-8 weeks for prize delivery. In addition, certain Winners may be eligible to have their picture posted to the www.paulmitchell.com web site if JPMS decides in its sole discretion to post such picture(s) selected by JPMS, but JPMS is under no obligation to use the winning Entries for any purpose. By accepting the prize, each Winner releases and discharges JPMS, affiliated companies and their respective parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, advertising and promotion agencies, and all their respective employees, officers, directors, representatives and agents from any liability or damage due in whole or in part to the award, acceptance, possession, use or misuse of any prize or from participation in this Contest. Prizes are not redeemable for cash or substitutable for any other item by winners. JPMS reserves the right to substitute a comparable prize of like or greater value for any prize, or to pay winners a cash equivalent (the value of which shall be determined by JPMS in its sole discretion), for any reason.

(c) If, for reasons beyond JPMS’s control (including, but not limited to, tampering or computer virus infection), the Contest is not capable of running as originally planned, the Sponsor, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to cancel or modify the Contest, without liability. All taxes (including, but not limited to, income taxes) are the sole responsibility of winners. Prize winners (and parent(s) or guardian(s) of prize winners under 21) may be required to execute (and have notarized) an Affidavit of Eligibility, a Liability Release and Copyright Ownership Agreement, and/or a Publicity Release (the "Affidavit/Release") which must be returned to and received by Sponsor within five (5) days from Winner’s receipt of the Affidavit/Release. Winners will also be required to send a copy of their passport, driver’s license or birth certificate as proof of age and residency. Non-compliance with any of these requirements may result in disqualification, in which case an alternate winner may be chosen. Return of prize, prize notification, Affidavit/Release as undeliverable will result in disqualification and an alternate winner may be selected. All entrants agree to comply fully with each provision in these Official Rules. Any person attempting to defraud or in any way tamper with this Contest and any person who does not comply with these Official Rules, will be ineligible for any prize(s) and may be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

6. Issues of Law.


7. Your Release of JPMS From Any and All Liability.

Entrants agree that Contest Entities shall not be liable for losses or injuries of any kind resulting from: (i) acceptance/possession and/or use/misuse of prize(s), (ii) participation in the Contest, (iii) individual, joint or collective technical malfunctions of the telephone network and/or transmission line, computer on-line system, computer dating mechanism, computer equipment, hardware and/or software, or (iv) any delay or distortion of an Entry resulting from data transmissions that are garbled, incomplete, misdirected, lost, mutilated, delayed, corrupted, mechanically duplicated, illegible or otherwise not in compliance with these Official Rules. Each Entrants releases JPMS and its employees from any liability in connection with Entrant’s preparation or use of the Video. Entrants also agree that the Contest Entities are not responsible or liable for any injury or damage to an entrant's or third person's computer related to or resulting from the Contest, the Entries and/or its prizes. The Contest Entities are not liable for damage to a user's computer system (including, without limitation, any server failure or lost, delayed or corrupted data or other malfunction) due, either directly or indirectly, to an entrant's participation in the Contest or downloading of information in connection with the Contest. The Sponsor reserves the right to modify or cancel the Contest in the event that any portion of any website used to administer any aspect of the Contest becomes technically corrupted.

8. How to Get More Information

(a) To obtain a list of prize winners, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to: WHAT’S THE BIG IDEA Contest c/o John Paul Mitchell Systems, 1888 Century Park East, Suite 1600, Los Angeles, CA 90067 and in the corner of the envelope, label it “WINNERS.” All winners’ list requests must be received by April 30, 2019. Winners’ names will also be posted on the www.paulmitchell.com. The sponsor of this Contest is John Paul Mitchell Systems referred to herein as JPMS. Questions regarding the Contest can be directed by mail to WHAT’S THE BIG IDEA Contest c/o John Paul Mitchell Systems, 1888 Century Park East, Suite 1600, Los Angeles, CA 90067.

(b) Copies of these Official Rules may be obtained by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to WHAT’S THE BIG IDEA Contest c/o John Paul Mitchell Systems, 1888 Century Park East, Suite 1600, Los Angeles, CA 90067. (WA and VT residents may omit return postage.) Requests for Official Rules must be received by February 15, 2019. All times and dates in these Official Rules are Pacific Standard Time.